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*SMP $399
두피문신(Scalp Micro Pigmentation, SMP)은 두피미세색 소요법을 말합니다.
10여년전 처음 도입되었으며 이 시술은 두피에 적용하는 색소요법으로 일반적인 문신 시술 시 발생하는 통증은 없으며, 탈모환자에게 나타나는 시각적인 가장 큰 문제인 밀도(density)부족 현상을 가장 빠르게 커버할 수 있다는 장점이 있습니다.

평균적으로 두피에서 모발의 자라는 주머니인 모낭의 깊이는 평균 4-6mm입니다.
SMP두피문신은 두피속 표피와 진피 사이에 빈 공간인 경계부의 0.8-1mm내에 안정적인 잉크주입을 통해 모근과 동일한 크기의 도트를 표현하여 탈모를 커버하는 시술 기법이므로 모낭을 손상시키지 않아 모발이식 후 부적한 밀도를 보간하는 목적으로 시술을 하거나, 차우 모발이식 계획이 있으셔도 문제 없이 시술 가능합니다.

K Beauty SMP 정통두피문신 작업은 전문적인 교육을 통해 두가지 원칙을 반드시 지키는것이 목표입니다.
1. 자연스러운 결과(Natural look)
2. 안전한 작업(Cross contamination prevention)

최고의 제품을 사용하여 시술의 질을 100% 보장합니다.

두피문신 가격은 명함 크기에 $399 선에서 시술이 이루어 지고 있습니다.

SMP is effective for both men and women, addressing various types and extents of hair loss. You can return to your daily life immediately after the first procedure, with aftercare required.
Book a consultation now and regain your confidence.
100% instant results guaranteed from your first session!

*줄기세포 치료 $1500
근본케어만이 모발을 되찾을 수 있습니다!
혹시 탈모로인해 고민이신가요?
탈모계선을 위해 많은 비용으로 여러 modality를 실패하신 경험이 있으신가요?
탈모떼문에 평소에 모자를 쓰시나요?
탈모떼문에 결혼식외 이벤트 참석이 불편하신가요?
자신감이 없으신가요?
더 젊게 보이고 싶으신가요?
탈모계선 약품을 복용중이신가요?
탈모가 걱정되서 매일 머리를 감지 않고 계신가요?
이젠 걱정마세요!

마운틴뷰(다운타운 마운틴뷰)에 위치한 두피케어 전문샾 K Beauty SMP입니다.
프리미엄 모발 소생프로그램을(2달정도 예상) 통해 손상된 모낭과 모근에 새로운 생명을 부여하는 “모발생장술”로 일시적인 효과가 아님 지속 가능한 탈모 예방 및 개선을 밑에 과정을 통해 도와드립니다:
1. 빠른개선효과
2. 간단한 시술 - NO PAIN!
3. 지속되는 효과
4. 모공 주변 각질과 피지제거에 도움
5. 두피열 개선도움
6. 두피에 보습막 형성을 통해 건조함 예방
7. Leuco-Lipoexo – 건강한 두피에 상재하는 유산균 엑소좀
8. 두피 및 모발케어 GFC 독자성분
9. 건강한 두피에서 분리한 신규 독자 유산균 (특허출원 제10-2020-0171272호)
10. Purple power Molecule - 강력한 모이스처 성분 복합체
11. 두피 스케일링
12. 비듬균 억제
13. 모유두세포 증식
14. 두치염증 및 황산화, 향염
15. 유산균 생육증진 및 면역증진

Q & A

*몇회를 받아야 호과가 보이나요?:
1 사이클(5회 / 2-3개월) 관리로 진행되며 탈모 진해의 정도와 손상정도에 따리 진행 속도는 개인차가 있을수 있으나 1회 관리 만으로도 빠른 개선이 눈으로 확인이 되기 떼문에 고객의 만족도가 매우 높은 관리입니다.

*유지기간은 어떻게 되나요?
관리가 끝난 후에도 알려드린 올바른 홈 두피케어를 꾸준히 팔로해주시면 지속적인 개선효과를 기대하세요!

*줄기세포 두피케어 및 다른 서비스도 제공하나요?
두피문신을 전문적으로 디자인하고 natural look 과 cross contamination을 최고 우선으로 시술하고있습니다!

프로모션 케어 페키지를 진행하고 있으니 연락주세요: 650-889-0081(24시간 대기)

K Beauty SMP (다운타운 마운틴뷰 West Dana + Castro에 위치하고 있습니다.)
951 West Dana Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

Are you suffering from losing hair?
Have you ever failed from trying different modalities to gain your hair back?
We have brought the hair solution from South Korea!
Nowadays the beauty industry in South Korea is all about the STEM CELL!
The power of our stem cell treatment is that the stem cell will travel around to look for the dead cell, damaged cell, or aged cell even they are more than 10 years old. After finding those cells, the stem cell will clone them to the younger cell!
Our treatment requires no pain.
We understand that you have failed many different modalities to regain your hair back and we are 10000% confident that you will get your hair back!
If you are suffering from the hair loss, feel free to call us to experience miracle!
We have the ultimate solution to gain your hair back!

How does it work?
Our program targets damaged hair follicles and roots directly, preventing, improving, and sustainably maintaining hair loss, rather than temporarily. Our program comprises a range of therapies that aim to enhance hair and scalp health. Below is the breakdown of how our treatment works:
1. Lymphatic and acupoint therapy – We use specially designed gua sha tools to stimulate lymphatic drainage and acupressure points, which helps improve blood and lymph circulation, promoting scalp health.
2. Red light and vibration therapy – We use red light and vibration to stimulate scalp acupuncture points, further promoting lymphatic and blood circulation, and making solution more absorption easier. This therapy helps supply nutrients, control oil and moisture balance, strengthen hair roots, and improve dermal elasticity.
3. Anti-bacterial care solution – Our plant-derived exosomes coat the scalp, reducing irritation and inhibiting bacteria growth, making it ideal for individuals suffering from seborrhea dermatitis, dandruff, and inflammation. It also strengthens the skin barrier and provides anti-inflammatory soothing effects.
4. Reverse ampoule, highly concentrated exosome – We apply a concentrated solution containing five plant-derived exesomes, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, and patented ingredients to promote scalp regeneration and normalize the hair growth cycle. This is our core care and utilizes a treatment method that maximizes the absorption of the ampoule.
5. Blue light and vibration therapy – A combination of blue light and vibration is used to massage the scalp and hair, promoting relaxation and improving blood circulation. This therapy also helps soothe inflamed skin, fight bacteria and promote cell regeneration.
6. Air dry – After applying the ampoule, we use 20 psi air to absorb the remaining solution providing a cooling and drying effects that soothes and scalp.

Key Ingredients:
1. Exosome – These are nano-sized vesicles secreted by stem cells to facilitate communication between cells. They contact RNA and protein transport substances that regulate gene expression.
2. Leuco-Lipoexo – These exosomes are derived from the novel lactic acid bacterium, Leuconostoc GFC1203H, which is obtained from the scalps of healthy individuals in their teens and 20s. These exosomes help improve the scalp, promote hair growth, and suppress scalp inflammation by modifying the colony of scalp flora.
3. Hair Skin Biome(H) – This is unique microorganism isolated from the scalp of individuals in their teens and 20s. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that suppress dandruff bacteria and improve increasing the diversity of beneficial skin bacteria.
4. Haregrow(H) – This is an exclusive hair loss care ingredients discovered from legumes. This uniqe ingredients develop jointly by Yonsei University(연세대학교) of pharmacy, known for its research on hair loss treatment.

Q & A
1. How many treatment sessions are required for visible results? – Our one treatment cycle consists of five sessions. While the pace of improvement, may vary depending on the extent of hair damage and loss. Most clients are highly satisfied with the rapid progress observed after a single cycle.
2. What is the duration of the treatment’s effects? – Our proper scalp care at home instructions can result in continued improvement even after completing the treatment.
3. Why do some users experience breakouts after using the home care set? – Our treatment formula is two-phase type that transforms into a cream upon contact with water. Overuse can cause pore blockages, so be sure to rinse thoroughly until no product remains on the scalp.
4. What causes the burning sensation felt by some users after using the home care set? – The presence of L-menthol in our home care products can result in a cooling affects that may cause irritation. Individuals with sensitive scalps or those unaccustomed to the cooling sensation may experience a slight burning sensation.

We also offer scalp micro pigmentation(SMP)!

K Beauty SMP (Down Town Mountain View / West Dana + Castro)
951 West Dana Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
650-889-0081(Calls/text messages 24hrs)

지역/위치 Mountain View, CA
전화번호 650-889-0081
이메일 650smp@gmail.com
가격 399


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